Hate Sink Wiki

Stacy is the main antagonist of the ShanePlays Roblox movie, Mean Sister Had Him Arrested.

What makes her a Hate Sink?[]

  • It's mentioned that she's been getting her brother Brad in trouble since she was a baby.
  • She falsely accuses Brad of stealing her makeup and selling it on the street, getting him arrested just so she can sneak out of their house to meet with her boyfriend. This causes Brad to miss baseball tryouts and be grounded for the rest of the semester. After this, she mockingly asks Brad how prison was. She threatens to do something to Brad if he tries to tell their mother despite acknowledging that their mother wouldn't believe Brad anyway.
  • She has an intentionally annoying voice.
  • She sends a bully named Joe to punch Brad in the face.
  • She pays a worker $25 to permanently ban Brad from the ice cream shop, just to be a jerk.
  • When Brad tries to find proof that Stacy falsely accused him of stealing her makeup, she destroys her own laptop and accuses Brad of doing it, getting him grounded for the rest of the school year.
  • She blackmails Brad into giving her his debit card by threatening to tell the whole school that Brad still sleeps with a thumb in his mouth, despite having previously promised never to tell anyone, planning to use the money to throw a party while their mother is gone despite not being allowed to throw parties.
  • She threatens to falsely accuse Brad of stealing her entire bank account.
  • She whines and throws a fit when she's caught and punished in the end.

External Links[]


            Hate Sinks

Aaron and Nathan's Mother | Andy and Olivia's Dad | Ben and Bruce's Mom | Frank and Denise | Greg, Brian, and Jacob's Father | Helga | Malcolm's Mom | Malcolm's Dad | Marcus and Roger's Parents | Michael's Father | Michael's Stepmother | Mr. Bridges | Nathan and Nolan's Mother | Travis Quimby

Alexis Higgins | Chad | Cooper | Darren | Danny Anderson | Harley | Hayden Bridges | Jackie | Kevin | Kyle | Leon and Lillian | Lonnie | Ronnie | Stacy (His Brother's Wife Hated Him) | Stacy (Mean Sister Had Him Arrested) | Trevor | Tyler

Bart | Blaze | Chaz Ruby | Cody | Eunice | Hudson | Luka | Mr. Grudge | Mary | The Principal | Ronald | Rude Customer | Rude Employee | Rude Police Officer (His Girlfriend Became FAMOUS.... She LEFT Him!) | Rude Police Officer (SPOILED Sister RUINED His Life!) | Trevor (Video Games Turned Him Into A Millionaire) | Walter
