Hate Sink Wiki
NOTE: Note: This page contains information only about the movie version of Stan Warren, as his books counterpart is not a Hate Sink.

Stan Warren is a major antagonist in the 2012 film Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days. He is Frank Heffley's neighbor who is shown as object of envy for him for him.

He is portrayed by Philip Maurice Hayes.

What Makes Him a Hate Sink?[]

  • While he does a number of good deeds such as hosting his neighbors on Independence Day for a celebration, organizing his students to be successful, and advising Frank to adopt a dog for his son, these are all meant to nurture his ego only.
  • He indirectly humiliates Frank Heffley by being condescending about a past experience at a camping trip, prompting the latter to take acts against Greg after his ego is bruised. this include to makes fun of Frank being a Scout trainee, since his hand was broken and he cried from the pain.
  • He is a social Darwinist who encourages his students to be seen as strong and look down on those weaker than them.
  • When Greg suggests his father volunteer for the Boy Scouts organization and Frank agrees to lead Greg's friends, Stan and his guys steal the group's ability to enjoy success, partly by taking all the available spots, which leads the group to set up camp near the toilets.
  • He is heard by Greg and his friends mocking Frank that he is a "wounded gazelle" that won't go far. As a result, Greg decides to avenge him for his father, despite the dangers involved.
  • While Greg investigates his tent he discovers that he is a fraud and has brought forbidden luxuries with him to groups of campers.
  • While Greg accidentally moved his bed he suspects it is a raccoon and tries to locate it using a baseball bat for kill him ("Dad needs a new fur hat"). With this method he could accidentally kill Greg.
  • When Greg drops his tent and reveals his deception he is furious with Frank and demands that he be punished. However, Frank embarrasses him in front of his men.
  • After Frank proves that he is cheating he threatens to talk to the camp manager without apologizing for his deception. finally he is defeated, falling into the honey trap and rolls down to a slope.
  • Later it turns out that all his students left him and he was fired from the company, and now hosts a badminton team for kindergartners so much to his dismay.
  • He has very few comedic moments and is taken seriously in-universe.


  • Only the film version of Stan Warren is a Hate Sink. His character in the books is almost characterless and he seems quite likeable. Plus he's Frank's boss and not his neighbor and Frank is portrayed as much dumber than he is.

External links[]


            Hate Sinks

Abigail Brown | Heather Hills | Isabella | Patty Farrell | Pete Hosey | Stan Warren

Diary of a Nice Guy: Patty Farrell | Bryce Anderson
Evil Never Dies: Bryce Anderson
Dysfunctional Perspective: Frank Heffley
Greg Becomes An Orphan: Manny Heffley
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: 25 Years Later: Manny Heffley
The Yogurt Extended Universe: Joshie/Joop Vanderkoerp
Others: Taylor Red
