Hate Sink Wiki

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ā€œ Duck Guy: That doesn't make sense-
Steak and Spinach Can: DOO DOO DOO DOO DOO! DO IT HEALTHY!

~ Spinach Can using a very loud "DOO DOO DOO DOO DOO" to interrupt Duck Guy when he questions their incorrect teaching.

The Steak, Spinach Can and Refrigerator are the main antagonists of fifth episode of the web series Don't Hug Me I'm Scared 5. They are a group of teachers who teach the puppets about "healthy food".

The Steak and Fridge were voiced by Baker Terry, while the Spinach Can was voiced by Becky Sloan.

What makes them Hate Sinks?[]

  • Unlike previous teachers, they acted as massive jerks from the beginning, as the Steak poked the Duck Guy three times.
  • They gave very incorrect, hypocritical and contradictory teachings about food.
    • They just kept saying some random food "makes your teeth go grey", but they didn't explain why.
    • They said that healthy foods are plain-looking foods (like bread, cream, aspic and white sauce), while "fancy and show-offy" foods like vegetables, fruits, meat and eggs are not (because they are colorful and aren't plain-looking).
    • When teaching the puppets about how the body is like a house, they show pizza as one of the ā€œgood healthy foods that are very polite to the organs and so are invited to stay for the partyā€, but then they contradicted that by saying pizza is unhealthy for no other reason than ā€œyouā€™re better off with plain white sauceā€.
    • They mentioned white sauce as one of the plain foods that keep the body healthy and said that you should eat plain white sauce instead of pizza, but then contradicted that statement by saying that plain white sauce made your teeth go grey.
    • They said that eating yeast made your grey teeth go away, but they then contradicted that by saying that eating too much yeast made your teeth go gray.
  • Their teaching songs are awful, as they are just speaking with the music with unsuccessful rapping.
  • They became angry when they are interrupted by the telephone ringing, but they themselves interrupted or ignored Duck Guy's questions.
  • When Duck Guy finally couldn't stand their psychological abuse and is driven insane, they knocked him unconscious and let a Giant Can eat his organs with him fully conscious before tricking Yellow Guy into eating his own friend Duck Guy's body parts.
  • Although in the TV series, the Refrigerator is killed and the Steak lost an eye, this didn't make them sympathetic at all. And the Steak repeatedly saying "healthy" even when incapacitated makes him more annoying. Plus, the Spinach Can remained a Karma Houdini.
  • Overall, they are not only the most vile and sadistic teachers, but also the most stupid, rude, ignorant and hypocritical teachers in DHMIS series.


  • Bread, the fourth member of the Healthy Band, did not qualify since he isn't really doing anything detestable aside from starting the song. And their partner-in-crime Giant Can didn't qualify due to being too enigmatic for having extremely short screentime.
  • They, alongside Warren the Eagle, are currently the only hate sinks from the Don't Hug Me I'm Scared series.

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