Hate Sink Wiki

She must pay the price!
~ The Stern One demanding Leola be executed for giving magic to humans.
Very Well. Aaravos, the council decrees, if you so choose, you may die alongside your daughter.
~ The Stern One offering to kill Aaravos with Leola as an act of "mercy".
Sometimes the line between mercy and cruelty can be thin.
~ The Stern One dismissing Aaravos's anger at his so called "mercy", also his infamous quote.

The Stern One is a minor character in The Dragon Prince. He is one of the Startouch Elves and a member of the Cosmic Council.

He is voiced by Brian Drummond.

What Makes Him a Hate Sink?

  • Upon being informed by the equally detestable Sol Regem of Aaravos's young daughter Leola teaching her human friends magic, he and the other cosmic judges have her arrested for "breaking the cosmic order", even though she's just a child who only acted out of the kindness of her heart.
  • When Aaravos confronts him on why he's brought an innocent child to be judged, he callously says that Leola isn't innocent despite her only being a child who didn't understand the consequences of her actions.
  • He demands Leola's execution for her mistake, and when Aaravos offers to die in her place to spare her, he instead offers to kill Aaravos alongside his daughter for no reason other than to twist the knife further. When Aaravos points out the cruel nature of his "merciful" offer, he dismissively says that the line between mercy and cruelty can be thin, showing he was only toying with Aaravos with his offer seeming just because he could.
  • After Aaravos and Leola have final words, he and the other judges painfully kill the poor child in front of her father while he cries in despair over his helplessness to protect the most precious person in the world to him. This, combined with the Stern Ones sadistic choice to die with Leola, was the catalyst for Aaravos's descent into the big bad of the show and the centuries of death and suffering he would sow throughout humanity and Xadia all to get revenge on the Stern One and the rest of the Cosmic Council for murdering Leola.
    • To make this worse, he and the other judges send Leola's dying essence to Xadia to explode and leave a massive crater that would become the Sea of the Castout made from a grieving Aaravos's tears, which likely killed many of the areas animals and other inhabitants pointlessly, further showing his disregard for the lives of Xadia.
  • While the entire council is to blame for Leola's death and Aaravos's transition into a vengeful manipulator, the Stern One is the most detestable of all of them as while the rest were merely nonchalant and pragmatic in their approach to the situation, the Stern One is needlessly harsh and cruel in his statements, actively treating Leola with contempt and directly mocking Aaravos's appeal for mercy towards his daughter. Out of all of them, he seemed the most eager to see the young girl executed, making him stand out all the more.
  • Despite them justifying Leola's execution as a price to pay for her setting the world on a "slow spiral to chaos" with her decision to give humans magic, he and the other Startouch Elves never show true care for Xadia's inhabitants and are ultimately driven more out of anger over having their sense of control over the state of the world upset, making his motive for wanting to kill Leola extremely petty. It doesn't help that by driving Aaravos to his villainous ways, they effectively caused the very catastrophe they claimed to be punishing Leola for setting in motion, making their actions even more pointlessly cruel.
  • Unlike most of the show's antagonists, he's never given any redeeming qualities or sympathetic motivations for his actions, being nothing but a spiteful control freak who is indirectly responsible for most if not all the misery in the setting.
  • Worst of all, unlike almost every other antagonist in the show, he never gets punished for his actions and is a Karma Houdini who was never affected by the dire consequences of his actions.

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Animated Features
Bellroc | Zong-Shi | Lane and Irmgard Klaxon | King and Queen of The Crown | Podestà

Live-Action Features
Anders Behring Breivik | Shere Khan | Amir Asif | Thanh Sói | Judge Julius Hoffman | Arquette | Catherine Ortiz | Anders Behring Breivik | Amir Asif | Henderson (You) | Janie Orlean | Jason Orlean | Peter Isherwell

Animated Television
Krogan | Queen Usurna | Forever | Butterscotch Horseman | Joseph Sugarman | The Bishop | Scarred Man | Comte de Vaublanc | Bernice Krupp | Dicko | Alpha Mom and Dad | Dr. Emilia | Dr. Emilia's Father | Finn | Finnegrin | Sol Regem | Stern One | Periander | Acrisius | David's Marra | Kelly | Camp Lifeguard | Dirk | Pastry Pete | Bellroc

Live-Action Television
Dr. Georgina Orwell | Chad Garland | Randy Lesser | Captain Frederick Gideon | Captain Frederick Gideon (Demon) | Arturo Roman | Cesar Gandia | Choi Yoon-Jae | Jang Deok-su | Player 278 | Factory Owner | The VIPs | Nam-gyu | Seon-nyeo | Im Jeong-dae | Yoon Gwi-nam | Son Myeong-hwan | Joseph Crackstone | Esther Sinclair | Seth Massey | Mr. de la Cruz | Marcus Cole | Taylor and Kenneth | Rick Wlodimierz | Dean Holbrook | Monty de la Cruz (original script) | Carmelita Spatz | Tristan (I Woke Up a Vampire)

See Also
13 Reasons Why Hate Sinks | 20th Century Studios Hate Sinks | Amblin Entertainment Hate Sinks | DreamWorks Hate Sinks | Entertainment Film Distributors Hate Sinks | Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Hate Sinks | Paramount Hate Sinks | Pathé Hate Sinks | Stranger Things Hate Sinks | Tim Burton Hate Sinks | Universal Studios Hate Sinks | Warner Bros. Hate Sinks
