Hate Sink Wiki
Percy Wetmore Horrified

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Butcher breaks the generators to prevent his prey from escaping.
~ The Butcher's description about his objective.

Victor O'Connor better known as The Butcher is one of the psycho's from the mobile horror game, Horrorfield. He is the first psycho that the player starts with when they get passed level 2, he acts as a brutish figure who with his strength is able to overpower the survivors.

What Makes Him A Hate Sink?[]

  • While working as a butcher in the town of Providence, Victor would always put on a facade of kindness and amicability in order to hide his dark secret of being a serial killer. So no one would expect him of being a murderer. His murders would lead to authorities wanting to lock him up for a long period of time.
  • While working as a butcher his victims along with their body parts would end up among other goods in his shop, meaning that Victor sold those parts to the townspeople of Providence, enforcing mass cannibalism.
  • During his time when he went to high school he would end up raping one of his classmates, for no reason other than sadistic glee.
  • He along with the other psychos would chase after the survivors in order to lock them up in cages in order to be sacrificed/killed.
  • During his hit animation he laughs at the survivor's misery, showing how psychotic he is.
  • Despite him being diagnosed with a mental illness, that being bipolar disorder. This isn't an excuse for his actions as Victor clearly knows the difference between right and wrong as shown with him putting on a mask of a friendly person, while he is actually very ruthless and sadistic.
  • Besides not being successful in capturing all of the victims in some matches, he never receives any punishment for his atrocious actions.


  • Victor is one of the two hate sinks to come from Horrorfield, the other one being the Dark Masters.

External Links[]
