Hate Sink Wiki

Dylan: Oh no! Someone's breaking into our house!
Danny: Oh, come on, where is it? Where is it? I put it somewhere here...
Dylan: Hold on, Danny? What are you doing?
Danny: I'm looking for my stash of cash, loser! Where is it? I need my money now!
Dylan: Oh, yeah. I found it, and I gave it back to the police.
Danny: You did what?! You betrayed me! How could you do this?!
Dylan: How could I? How could you do all of this? How could you scam people, lie to me and Dad and run away from the police?!
Danny: Because! I'm the Magnificent Danny! I'm awesome and I always get what I want! Now get the heck out of my way!
Dylan: No! Danny, stop!
Danny: You're not gonna catch me loser! (laughs until he runs into Officer Rufus)
Rufus: You thought you could escape Officer Rufus? Okay, you wild, y'all! You going to jail again, yes!
~ Danny's villainous breakdown as he refuses to repent for his crimes, before being caught for the final time by Officer Rufus.

Daniel "Danny" Stephen Anderson, otherwise known as The Magnificent Danny, is the main antagonist of SPOILED Brother PRETENDED To Be PSYCHIC! by ShanePlays.

He is the brother of the protagonist, Dylan, who posed as a psychic to scam people for wealth and popularity. Eventually, his growing arrogance caused his accomplice Todd to expose his act, leading to his success crumbling down.

What makes him a Hate Sink?[]

  • He has a greedy desire for money, scamming people out of their money by posing as a psychic while basking in his riches and mocking the gullibility of his customers.
  • After Dylan told him that his psychic act would be disproven, Danny smugly told him that he wouldn't be able to prove it.
  • He told Riff that his Nintendo Switch would be stolen before having Todd steal it, which indirectly led to Dylan being framed for stealing the Switch and getting him in trouble with Principal Saul. Once Danny found out about it, he held no remorse and threatened to land Dylan in more trouble if he didn't back off.
  • When Todd wanted them both to come clean, Danny told him to keep going to get more wealth and fame.
  • He tricked his father into believing his act by making a call to Todd just to get away from his family dinner.
  • He refused to let Dylan sign up for his seance, claiming that space was limited and "his vibe would ruin the mood" (though he did so mainly to stop him from exposing his scam).
  • When Dylan told him he knew his seance was a lie, he told him that he was just jealous. Even when he gave Danny the chance to come clean due to his sympathy towards him, he rejected it and told Dylan to stay out of his way.
  • He manipulated his father to take him out of school to focus on his false career and remarked that Dylan was "killing his psychic energy" by being around him, causing their dad to force Dylan to walk to school in the heavy rain.
  • After starting his psychic store with Todd, he refused to give him any credit for the idea.
  • When he and Todd failed to manipulate Logan (whom was working with Dylan to incriminate him), he told him that he was stupid and that his vibes were all wrong, before demanding him to give him $5000.
  • He didn't pay Todd for three months, which he would later be confronted about. Danny angrily refused to give him the money he was owed and told him to get the money on his own, leading to Todd betraying him and later exposing him on the Diane Show.
  • He begged Dylan to stop Todd from exposing him, only caring about saving his own reputation. He also pinned the blame on Todd, claiming that he was begging for money like a poor person, despite being the one that refused to give him any money in the first place.
  • After Dylan confronted him on how he refused to change, Danny complained that he was getting famous and he refused to give it up for a "stupid lesson", and called Dylan the worst brother ever for refusing to help him even though he proved that he couldn't be helped.
  • He begged for his father to bail him out of trouble, and when he refused to help as well, he claimed that scamming hundreds of people out of their money was no big deal.
  • He begged Todd to hide him from the police, trying to make him sympathize with him since he was his best and only friend (despite betraying him earlier). However, Todd refused to believe him any longer and called the police on him, causing Danny to tell him that he's the worst.
  • He ends up having to steal food from homeless people just to survive due to him being unable to buy food due to his bank accounts being frozen, causing a homeless man to beat him up. When he notices Dylan witnessing the incident, he asks him why he didn't stop the homeless man from attacking him despite having only just arrived. When he later made him a burger, he only gave a half-hearted thanks.
  • When his father told him that he needed to face the consequences of his actions, he claimed that consequences were lame and he should be able to do whatever he wants.
  • He insulted Officer Finkleberry's smell before bribing him with a small amount of pocketed money, tricking him into letting him out of his jail cell.
  • After breaking out of jail, he wanted to return home to retrieve his stolen money. After Dylan told him that he returned it already, he called him out for betraying him (even though he told him where the money was and he had no good intentions with it at the time) before proclaiming that he was the Magnificent Danny and he always gets what he wants, though he was unable to get away any longer due to Officer Rufus arresting him.
  • He tried to beg for Dylan to let him escape, proving that even then he wanted to get away with his actions without suffering the consequences. Dylan refuses to help him, leaving him to futilely call for him to no avail.
  • By the end, he is left with his reputation destroyed, all of the people that trusted him the most hating him, and rot away in jail (presumably for the rest of his life), which he brought on himself with his arrogance and inability to see his own mistakes.

External Link[]


            Hate Sinks

Aaron and Nathan's Mother | Andy and Olivia's Dad | Ben and Bruce's Mom | Frank and Denise | Greg, Brian, and Jacob's Father | Helga | Malcolm's Mom | Malcolm's Dad | Marcus and Roger's Parents | Michael's Father | Michael's Stepmother | Mr. Bridges | Nathan and Nolan's Mother | Travis Quimby

Alexis Higgins | Chad | Cooper | Darren | Danny Anderson | Harley | Hayden Bridges | Jackie | Kevin | Kyle | Leon and Lillian | Lonnie | Ronnie | Stacy (His Brother's Wife Hated Him) | Stacy (Mean Sister Had Him Arrested) | Trevor | Tyler

Bart | Blaze | Chaz Ruby | Cody | Eunice | Hudson | Luka | Mr. Grudge | Mary | The Principal | Ronald | Rude Customer | Rude Employee | Rude Police Officer (His Girlfriend Became FAMOUS.... She LEFT Him!) | Rude Police Officer (SPOILED Sister RUINED His Life!) | Trevor (Video Games Turned Him Into A Millionaire) | Walter
