Hate Sink Wiki

Sandy, Limeston, and Sir Soda are three minor antagonists from Max's limited animated series, Adventure Time: Distant Lands. They are the royal advisors of See-Thru Princess and are characterized by having great disdain for cracked glass people, especially Glassboy.

Sandy was played by Mary Bamford, Limeston was played by Jeff Bennet and Sir Soda was played by Kevin Michael Richardson .

What Makes Them Despicable?[]

  • The three of them are quite snobbish and seem to believe themselves to be the most perfect there is, to the point of despising anyone who is "imperfect."
  • They are very rude to See-Thru Princess, whom they keep under a lot of pressure and sometimes hint that she should resign. While it is true that their job is to guide her in her work as a princess, they are already too disrespectful towards their princess.
  • They are highly prejudiced against cracked glass people, which is why they are hostile and openly rude to Glassboy solely for being a broken child. The worst thing is that Glassboy is a kid who is alone.
  • Even though their constant taunting of Glassboy was what led him to open the oven (which caused the episode's problems), they completely refuse to take any responsibility. They also make no effort to find a solution and prefer to lock Glassboy up.
  • The three join forces with other crystal people to mock Princess Bubblegum when they discover that Marceline's breakup song was directed at Bonnibel.
  • For most of the episode they spend the entire episode being arrogant idiots instead of trying to find a solution.
  • When Larvo chased Glassboy into the cave, the three used Bonnibel's force field to lock them in. The worst thing is that they were willing to let a child die solely because it was not perfect. This also left Bonnibel and Marceline locked up.
  • When See-Thru Princess scolded them for locking Glassboy up and potentially kill him indirectly, they showed no remorse.
  • When See-Thru Princess cracks in half, Sandy tells her that her reign is over, to which the others add that because of that "ugly crack".
  • In the end it is revealed that they also had hidden cracks under their golden ribbons, proving that they were hypocrites.
  • They have no redeeming qualities, as even among themselves they had no problem exposing cracks in each other to humiliate each other.
  • In the end Glassboy accidentally smashes the three's heads into pieces, which is played with satisfaction.

External Links[]

See Also[]

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TV Shows
The Powerpuff Girls
Dick Hardly | Princess Morbucks | Mike Brikowski | Femme Fatale | Stanley and Sandra Practice | Sakamoto | The Fluffy Bunch | Major Man

Courage the Cowardly Dog
Cruel Veterinarian | Mad Dog

Whatever Happened to... Robot Jones?
Lenny and Denny Yogman

Codename: Kids Next Door
Numbuh 363 | Chester | Nurse Claiborne

Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends
Terrence | Bendy | Angelica | Kip Snip | Dylan Lee

Teen Titans
Malchior | Val-Yor

Ben 10
Will Harangue | Morgg | Mr. & Mrs. Mann | Camille's Ex-Boyfriend


Protoboy | Donnie Turnbull | Dwight Turnbull

Adventure Time
Stag | Ash | Ricardo | Gnomes (The Enchiridion!) | King of Ooo | Toronto | Hana Abadeer | The Royal Advisors | Chicle

Sym-Bionic Titan
Baron | Galalunan Commander

Regular Show
Natalia | Bert Coleman | Unicorns | The Night Owl | Karen (Take The Cake) | The Sheriff (Gold Watch) | Country Club Leader (Country Club) | Klorgbane the Destroyer | Silver Dude | Susan

SWAT Kats: The Radical Squadron
Lieutenant Commander Steel | Burke and Murray

The Amazing World of Gumball
Harold Wilson | Felicity Parham

Steve Malek | Mrs. Siddiqui | Owen | Aaron Keendel | Dean Jackson | Si Rich | Hitesh Rhakara

Steven Universe
Marty | Kevin | Holly Blue Agate | Aquamarine

We Bare Bears
Ralph | Dave | Andy Bangs | Lewis | Courtney

Infinity Train
Grace Monroe's Parents

Atomic Betty
Penelope Lang | Petunia Lorelei Lang

Ed, Edd n Eddy's Big Picture Show
Eddy's Brother

We Bare Bears: The Movie
Agent Trout

Adult Swim
Moral Orel
Cecil Creepler | Dr. Secondopinionson

Final Space
Superior Stone | Werthrent

Night Feeder | Queen Ima

My Adventures with Superman
Parasite | Lex Luthor

Smiling Friends

Samurai Jack
Cacciatore | High Priestess | The Dominator

Steven Universe
Jowls (We Can Be Heroes!)

See Also:
Ninjago Hate Sinks | LEGO Hate Sinks | Rick and Morty Hate Sinks | Total Drama Hate Sinks
