Hate Sink Wiki

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Come back here, you slut! It's time to get your medicine, you fucking whore!
~ Thomas Richards to Andrea while trying to kill her

Thomas Richards is a minor antagonist in the comic series The Walking Dead, serving as the main antagonist of "Volume 3: Safety Behind Bars" and also a mentioned villain in Telltale's The Walking Dead: Season One. He is a convict imprisoned in the Meriwether Country Correctional Facility who claimed to be inside for tax evasion, but in reality is actually secretly a serial killer.

What Makes Him Hated?[]

  • He was first mentioned to be in prison for tax evasion, however, he was really there for murdering his own wife.
  • On his way to prison, he pathetically claims to the officer taking him there that he did not commit the above crime, even though the police caught him in the act.
  • He is a vicious misogynist who deliberately chooses to target women and children.
  • Decapitates Hershel's twin daughters with a knife.
  • Attempts to decapitate Andrea but only manages to scar her earlobe and cheek.
  • Hypocritically berates Andrea for using a swear word, only to scream a misogynistic slur while trying to kill her.
  • When Patricia attempts to free her under the belief that he is insane and not evil, he immediately tries to kill her, calling her a "whore".
  • While the zombies can't really be hated due to acting on instinct, he shows full awareness of his actions and proves that other humans can be even more dangerous than the zombies.


  • Thomas was originally planned to stab a pregnant Lori Grimes in the stomach, along with the baby, but it was scrapped due to being too dark for the comics. Had the scene been kept in, he would have become even more hated.

External links[]


            Hate Sinks

Comic Books
Thomas Richards | The Marauders | Pete Anderson | David

TV Show
Ed Peletier | Dave | Tony | Tomas | Andrew | Allen | Mitch Dolgen | Len | Joe | Dan | Martin | Crazed Man | Officer Gorman | Pete Anderson | Gregory | Donnie | David | Jocelyn | Jared | Gunther | Justin | Jed | Pope | Brandon Carver | Simon | Shira | Sebastian Milton | Toby Carlson | The Warden | Alpha

Video Games
Danny St. John | Jake | Crawford Oberson | Bill Carver | Troy | Randall | Badger | Dorian
