Hate Sink Wiki

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Thomas “Tom” Smith, better known as the Easter Ripper, is the main antagonist of Puppet Combo’s Murder House. He is a serial killer who murders children and disguises himself as a news cameraman.

He was voiced by Devante Johnson.

What Makes Him A Hate Sink?[]

  • He dresses up as the Easter Bunny and kidnaps kids in the mall and takes them to his house, so he can torture them, starve or freeze them to death, tricking them into eating food with razor blades in it, and is implied to have raped some if not all of them (with some of the skeletons being seen in "sexual positions" such as their legs being spread out and another one with their hips up, with Emma saying "Something bad happened here" and "I'm gonna be sick" if the she interacts with them.) In the novelization, while he doesn’t rape children like his video game counterpart, does the exact same thing but expect that in this counterpart of him, one of his victims was an infant.
  • He goes after the news crew and kills two of the crew members, Dana and Gary in extremely brutal ways, before attempting to do so towards Emma out of spiteful sadism.
  • In the novels, it was revealed in a flashback that he was already a cruel person as a kid. As he used to abuse his brother and get him in trouble for stuff that he didn’t do and killed his mother too.
  • Unlike his original counterpart who cares about his brother, Anthony, the novelization counterpart doesn’t have this redeeming quality nor any type of redeeming qualities, as he frames him to get captured and executed.
  • It’s implied that he attempted to rape Emma in the novels.
  • While his death of being devoured by the victims he killed that came back from the dead was brutal, he it was well deserved for everything he did.

External Links[]


           Hate Sinks
Original Timeline

Mother Apollonia | Tom Smith | Nathan Talbot | Night Ripper

Torture Star Studio’s Timeline
Louis Kennedy | Mr. Shiny
