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Louis D'Anjou Offended
MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD! - WARNING: Louis d'Anjou is warning you that this page contains spoilers. If you hadn't seen/played this Hate Sink's media yet, we advise you to view another page.

Carmie: How do you deal with being different? I mean, everybody just belongs, and we're outsiders, watching.

Tristan: I know. (chuckles) Used to bother me, too, but not anymore.
Carmie: Really?
Tristan: Who wants to be human? They're weak. We're the outsiders. That's why humans will always be afraid of us. I think ultimately, it will come down to Mythics versus humans.
Carmie: But my human family, they love me.
Tristan: Do they truly know what you are?
Carmie: My parents don't know. They would freak. The twins know. They just think I'm some sort of movie superhero.
Tristan: The day is going to come when every Blended will have to choose a side. Those who choose Mythic will rise up against the humans. Those who choose humans will forget the power they once had and be defeated by the Mythics. But that is for another time. Today is all for you.

~ Tristan convincing Carmie to embrace her Mythic side, and view humans as inferior. Also, some foreshadowing of his true malevolent nature.

Carmie: Leave them alone, Tristan. They have nothing to do with us.

Leanna: They're an us? How did I not know this?
Kev: Not important now!
Leanna: Okay.
Carmie: We don't need to defeat the humans. We can live with them.
Tristan: Why? Thousands of years living in the shadows is suddenly going to change? They hate us 'cause we're different!
Carmie: Not all! Kev, Dylan, Leanna. I cared for you.
Tristan: Then stay with me! Do you have any idea how powerful you could be if you turn Mythic? Together, we can become rulers of a new and better world, without them!
Carmie: We don't have to! We can make a world and live with them!
Tristan: (pauses for a few seconds, then turns serious) You have chosen.

~ Tristan rejecting Carmie's offer to go straight and live side by side humanity, shortly before attacking her.

Carmie, you will never see 16!
~ Tristan's presumed last words.

Tristan is the main antagonist of Season 2 of the Netflix/Family Channel series I Woke Up a Vampire. He's a high school sophomore whom Carmie Henley befriends, and eventually gains a crush on. He's later revealed to be a Blended who's half-warrior fairy. He also has a strong hatred of humanity and wants to wipe them out, and mostly saw Carmie simply as a means to an end and didn't truly love or even care about her.

He was portrayed by Will Coombs.

What Makes Him a Hate Sink?[]

  • While most of the show's villains are sympathetic, complex, have entertaining factors, redeem themselves, or some combination of the four -- including The Shapeshifter -- Tristan doesn't have these factors going for him. While he's introduced as a charming, athletic, seemingly friendly boy who's fairly popular at school and an ideal love interest for Carmie, his true nature and personality completely contradicts his initial portrayal, and makes him a far less entertaining character.
  • Upon learning that Carmie was the vampling he was searching for, he uses various tactics to get closer to her, and gain her trust and friendship (i.e.: inviting her to practice with him for the decathlon)
  • Even before his true malevolent nature's officially revealed, there were several signs that something was off with him, as will be further explained below.
    • Despite Carmie informing Tristan that her parents didn't like her being out on school nights, he still suggests that Carmie stay out late for pizza night after an incredible practice for the decathlon, which Carmie would agree to. And when Carmie gets a message on her phone from her mother asking where she is, he secretly uses his powers to bring the phone towards him and hide it from her. This indirectly leads to Carmie losing track of time, and being out for three hours. Then when Carmie realizes this and panics, he pretends to find the phone inside the building, and doesn't show concern for Carmie potentially getting in trouble with her parents for missing curfew. This is the first of many signs that Tristan isn't nearly as kind and loving as he presents himself as.
    • While sitting with Carmie and giving her a pep-talk, he encourages her to give it everything she had, telling her "no mercy to these mortals", stating that Loki had a point, and that the gods were meant to rule. It's meant as a warm moment at the time, but it's also subtle foreshadowing of his ruthlessness, hatred of humans, and god wannabe nature.
    • While's he shown to be working for The Shapeshifter as a means to assist her in her plan, this doesn't make Tristan tragic, sympathetic, or even a scapegoat, as he's clearly shown to actually enjoy aiding her, and even smiles at her during various points.
  • While serving as a love rival for Carmie against Dylan Helsing for the school trip to the woods, Tristan repeatedly uses his fairy powers to screw Dylan over. First he makes the flares in Dylan's backpack go off, setting some of the materials on fire. Then when Dylan and Carmie are partnered to try winning amusement park tickets by completing the scavenger hunt, Tristan would constantly use his fairy powers to make the scavenger hunt items disappear anytime Dylan finds an item to make Dylan look incompetent, slow him and Carmie down, indirectly lead to Carmie getting into a fight with Dylan, and leave him to become Tristan's partner instead. Afterwards, he'd continue using his powers to make himself seem like a more skilled finder.
  • He indirectly places Dylan in a trace by enchanting some blueberries the latter would eat, and when Dylan catches Tristan in his fairy form showing himself off to Carmie, he tightly ties Dylan up in vines, nearly killing him, sends him far away to the end of the forest, and left him barely able to remember anything that happened.
  • He callously freezes a random little girl with his powers, and takes away her giant lollipop to give to Carmie, while pretending to still be a loving boyfriend to her.
  • He's been shown to be a bad influence towards Carmie in several ways:
    • He indirectly leads to Carmie breaking her promise towards Kev to be there for him.
    • He convinces her that humans were weak and inferior, and Blendeds like them were outsiders. He also stated that Kev wanting Carmie to help launch his comic book, was him taking advantage of her.
    • Thanks this his influence, Carmie would get into a fight with Kev, and Dylan and her (adoptive) mother over Dylan finding a mysterious box in his locker, refuse to listen to her friends when they try to warn her, accuse them trying to ruin her perfect day with Tristan, and overall turn extremely hostile. This even goes as far as Carmie blocking Kev and Dylan from her phone, refusing to speak to them, and almost ending their friendship.
    • He encourages Carmie to use her Mythic powers during the decathlon events, despite this basically being cheating, and the numerous threats to Blendeds like her.
  • He takes Carmie to the Shapeshifter (Carmela/Carmie's birth mother) believing that the latter wanted to use Carmie to lead the Mystics in a war to destroy mankind, and when he learns that the Shapeshifter was really going to use her end the war, and unite the humans and Mythics in peace, he yells at the Shapeshifter for lying to him, refusing to leave with humans over him, and vowing to destroy them.
  • He then tries to knock out the Shapeshifter with his powers, and when Carmie takes the bullet for her mother, he shows no concern over Carmie's condition, showcasing that he never saw Carmie as a true friend. Plus he told the Shapeshifter that Carmie wasn't fit to lead the Mythics to destroy humanity, and stated he wanted to do so.
  • He kidnaps Kev, Dylan and Leanna, using them as bait and a means to try getting Carmie to side with him, and explains to Kev that Carmie was simply a means to an end for him as part of his plan, and he wanted to start a war by any means necessary.
  • Even after Carmie tries to talk Tristan out of fighting the humans, convince him to live with them, and bring him down to Earth, he not only refuses to see the light, he turns on Carmie, attacks her and tries to kill her.
  • Shortly after Carmie defeats (and presumably kills) Tristan, his final line was used to tell Carmie she'd "never see 16". Though it's unclear if he was foreseeing a threat that would go after Carmie before or when she turns 16, or personally vowing revenge against Carmie, promising to harm or even kill her before she could turn 16. Either way, it's an ungraceful way to go out.

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