Hate Sink Wiki

ā€œ Rest in peace, hero. ā€ž
~ Van Zant expressing his sadism.

Van Zant is a minor antagonist of Dragon Ball Zs "Buu" Saga. He is a deranged homicidal gunman who went on a killing spree assisted by his butler Smitty, while using the end of the world to justify his heinous actions. His vile deeds are what lead to the creation of Super Buu and the (temporary) destruction of humanity, which in turn would give way to the rebirth of Kid Buu and the destruction of Planet Earth.

What Makes Him a Hate Sink?[]

  • He plans to take advantage of all of Majin Buu's rampage to kill as many people as possible.
  • He murders an elderly couple in his first scene.
  • He coerces his reluctant butler to join in on the killing and enjoy killing.
  • In an extremely sadistic way, he begins to murder a large number of civilians in an entire city, killing at least 40 people, and it is very likely that he has killed more.
  • He shoots Mr. Satan's dog with his rifle and then fires several rocket launchers at Majin Buu and Mr. Satan, all with the intention of getting the "merit" of killing Majin Buu and being remembered as a hero.
  • He hypocritically calls Mr. Satan a "traitor" for allying himself with Majin Buu, even though he himself is no better. In fact, Mr. Satan was the one who convinced Majin Buu to change his ways and it seemed like the world was saved, until this terrorist showed up and ruined everything.
  • He shoots Mr. Satan in the chest and nearly kills him, causing Majin Buu to finally go on a rampage and unleash his evil side.
  • His actions indirectly led to Majin Buu becoming Super Buu, causing even more chaos on earth.
  • While it's a bit debatable if Smitty was revived along with the rest of Earth, it's extremely unlikely that Van Zant was considering the kind of person he is, as Dende made it perfectly clear not to bring back any of the people Buu killed that were evil.
  • Overall, he's clearly designed to show that humans can be just as monstrous as the monsters Goku and his friends face.

See Also[]


            Hate Sinks

Anime and Manga
Dragon Ball
Master Shen | Commander Red | Tao Pai Pai | Tambourine

Dragon Ball Z
Cui | Dodoria | Orlen | Mr. Shu | Dr. Gero | Future Androids 17 & 18 | Babidi | Spopovich | Van Zant | Smitty

Dragon Ball Super
Goku Black | Future Zamasu | Barry Kahn | Quitela | Monna

Dragon Ball GT
Don Kee | Baby | Naturon Shenron | Eis Shenron | Syn Shenron

Movies and OVA

Babidi (Majin Buu Saga in 5 Minutes) | Cell (Dragon Ball Rise)
