Hate Sink Wiki

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ā€œ It would only take a second to absorb you into my darkness! That's too quick! I'd still be angry! It's your fault! You're making me do this! It's your fault for making me angry! It's your fault! Do you like it? Do you? Well?! ā€ž
~ Vanilla Ice brutalizing Iggy while claiming it is his fault.

Vanilla Ice (Also referred as Cool Ice or Iced) is an major antagonist in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders, he is one of Dio's loyal servants, the last of the vampires of the franchise and the penultimate opponent of the Joestar Group that wields the all-eating void Stand called Cream.

What makes him a Hate Sink[]

  • He killed both Avdol and Iggy, two beloved members of the Joestar group.
  • He showcases an absolutely fanatical blind loyalty to a vicious psychopath like Dio.
  • In one of the most infamous moments of the franchise, he viciously and repeatedly kicks the cute, helpless little Iggy instead of just finishing him off (like he easily could have done), out of nothing but petty, disproportionate retaliation just for forcing himself to destroy a decoy of DIO made out of sand, wanting the dog to suffer as much as possible
  • In the OVA, he mocked Avdol's death in a scathing manner for saving Polnareff instead of himself and sliced Iggy in the bottom half, angrily stomped and kicked his dead body for daring to defy DIO.
  • He is somehow too stupid to realize that Dio has transformed him into a vampire, even after surviving multiple injuries that would have been fatal otherwise.
  • Him getting defeated by Polnareff and incinerated by the sun is played for nothing but sheer satisfaction, with Polnareff rightfully calling him a "soulless, filthy vampire" and apparitions of Avdol and Iggy appearing to encourage Polnareff.
    • In the OVA, his death is changed leading Polnareff to stab him multiple times with his stand and slice his head in two out of rage after Vanilla Ice outright killed Iggy by making his lower torso disappear and to lose significant amount of blood.

External Links[]


            Hate Sinks

Phantom Blood
Dario Brando

Battle Tendency
New York Police Officers | Brass Knuckle Gangster

Stardust Crusaders
Gray Fly | Forever | Rubber Soul | J. Geil | Steely Dan | Alessi | Terence T. D'Arby | Vanilla Ice

Diamond is Unbreakable
Anjuro "Angelo" Katagiri | Hallway Girls | Terunosuke Miyamoto | Cheap Trick | Rio's Neighbor

Vento Aureo/Golden Wind
Giorno's Mother | Giorno's Step-Dad | Narancia's Former Friend | Fugo's University Professor | Cioccolata | Secco

Stone Ocean
Corrupt Lawyer | Sports Maxx | Sonny Likir | Viviano Westwood | Kenzou | Racist Detective

Steel Ball Run
Dario Brando | Diego Brando's Savior | Soldier | Abusive Husband | Diego Brando

Tamaki Damo | Jobin's Bully | Poor Tom

The JOJOLands
Hawaiian Police Officer | Dragona's Bully

Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan
Mutsu-kabe Hill Yokai | Yabubako-Hoshi

Cool Shock B.T.
Kuroyama and Akagawa | The Leader | Manabu

Jorge Joestar
Edvard Noriega | Antonio Torres | Maria Torres | Javier Cortes

Miscellaneous Spin-Offs & Novels
Old Man Stand User | Sogliola Lopez | Teruhiko Futaba | Koji Kiyohara | Fernando Alhorn

JoJoCraft: Jotaro Kujo | Jean Pierre Polnareff | Noriaki Kakyoin

HOLY DIVER (A Peaceful Afterlife)
