Hate Sink Wiki
NOTE: This article only covers Eddie Brock and excludes the symbiote, as only Eddie was a Hate Sink. Thus, this article should only cover Venom's host, rather than the symbiote itself.

I like being bad. It makes me happy!
~ Venom gloating about how he enjoys being evil, committing crimes for the Lulz and his most famous quote.

Edward "Eddie" Brock Jr., better known as Venom, is the main antagonist of the 2007 film Spider-Man 3, the third and final installment of Sam Raimi's Spider-Man trilogy.

He is a former photographer who used to work at the Daily Bugle until he got exposed by Peter Parker for fraudulent evidence. From this, he began to hold a grudge against Peter, and after fusing with the symbiote (which used to be on Peter himself) he became the villain known as Venom, vowing vengeance against Peter for his previous humiliation.

He is portrayed by Topher Grace.

What Makes Him a Hate Sink?[]

  • Unlike many of his other versions where Venom was presented to be a complex, three-dimensional villain and/or even anti-hero, this version of him had none of those qualities and instead had very petty motives.
  • As Eddie, he used fake photos of Spider-Man to try to rise through the ranks in the Daily Bugle.
  • He showed no concern when Gwen Stacy was hanging from a ledge about to fall to her death, taking photos of her for his job. The novelization took this even farther, depicting him as someone who actively hopes to find dead bodies and disasters to take photos of to the point of displaying a stunning lack of empathy towards his subjects, not even seeing them as actual people in his desire to become an award-winning journalist.
  • Upon getting fired for his fraudulent photos after Peter Parker rightfully exposes him and later witnessing Gwen with Peter, he went to church to pray for God to kill Peter.
    • This particular attitude was not only blasphemous and against Catholic principles, but also a complete exaggeration on his part, since forging photos that incriminated Spider-Man just to be in good graces with J. Jonah Jameson was an absolutely dishonest and unprofessional act, and even if Peter hadn't exposed his forged photos to the Daily Bugle team on that occasion, his fake photos would likely be discovered sooner or later anyway, and as for Gwen, she only considered him (and Peter as well) as friends, plus she wasn't even really his girlfriend to begin with.
  • He teamed up with Sandman to kill Spider-Man. Brock, despite somehow knowing Sandman’s tragic motivations, never truly cared for his daughter.
  • He blamed Peter for losing his job and crush, even though it was his own fault. He also ignored the fact that he showed no real concern for Gwen when she was in danger, and she was never even interested in him anyway. He only had coffee with her one time, and he talked about Gwen as if he wanted to marry her.
  • He wanted to get revenge on Peter just for humiliating him over losing his job at the Bugle.
    • In the novel, Eddie was so incapable of accepting that he brought his troubles upon himself that he claims that he was the victim and outright compared himself to Jesus Christ, a good person who lived his life by the rules and claimed that he was being unfairly persecuted because of other people's "imperfections".
  • He attacked several teenagers and some police officers due to how much of an insane lunatic he was after his transformation.
  • In the novel and the video game versions, he captured Sandman's daughter, Penny, as a hostage to force Sandman to work alongside him to kill Spider-Man.
  • He took Mary Jane hostage and attempted to kill her, in front of Peter just for having him lose his crush, Gwen.
  • Despite being possessed by the Venom Symbiote, he was fully aware of his actions and rejected redemption as being a supervillain made him so happy, he wanted to keep being evil.
  • He killed Harry in front of Peter making Peter feel very upset, giving him personal villainy due to being the only villain in the trilogy to intentionally kill off a main character, and as evidenced later by his dialogue with Ned Leeds in Spider-Man: No Way Home, Harry's loss had affected Peter Parker since then.
  • He even tried to stop the bomb from destroying the Venom Symbiote which was not only reckless but led to his own death, proving that he was too stupid to live.
  • Although all the other villains in Sam Raimi's Spider-Man trilogy had some sort of redeeming qualities, Eddie had none and explicitly gloated how being evil made him happy, thus making him a card-carrying Hate Sink who committed crimes for the Evulz and amusement.

External links[]


           Sony Pictures Logo Hate Sinks

Animated Features
Boyd | Bones | Bullies | Seijiro Inui | Mayor Shelbourne | Patrick Patrickson | Budzo | Quasimodo Wilson | Angry Humans

Live-Action Features
Wilhelm Tanz | Overlook Hotel | Bytes | Jim Renshaw | Roland D. LeBay | Walter Peck | Killer Santa | Sgt. Hartman | Door Gunner | Roger | Peter Silberman | Janelle Voight | Todd Voight | Jack Hardemeryer | Douglas | Trevor Lyle | Eric Qualen | Richard Travers | Kristel | Delmar | Kynette | Ryan | Heldon | Samuel Norton | Byron Hadley | Elmo Blatch | Bogs Diamond | Agatha Trunchbull | Paul Serone | Harrison Love | Eddie Poole | Marcus Andrews | Anton Gartman | Patrick Bateman | William Tavington | Falcon | Tom Edison, Jr. | Liz Henson (The Young and the Restless) | Chuck | Jack McKay | Vera | June | Bill Henson | Tom Edison, Sr. | Mrs. Henson | Ben | Gloria | Martha | Olivia | Jason | Captain Hook | Mr. Henson | Herod Sayle | Venom | General Medrano | Koobus Venter | Chris | Calvin Candie | Stephen | Chris Hargensen | Terence Fletcher | John Eleuthère du Pont | Donald Menken | Vincent Moore | Bartholomew Bogue | Carlton Drake | Albuquerque | Sheriff Domingo | Hornet | Lemon | Prince | Raoul

Animated Television
Amshel Goldsmith | Lamilton Taeshawn | All For One

Live-Action Television
Lydia Rodarte-Quayle | Kenny (Breaking Bad) | Jack Welker | Hector Salamanca | Don Eladio | Kyler Park

Doctor Octopus

Chris Hargensen (A light in the darkness trilogy)

See Also
Entertainment Film Distributors Hate Sinks | Jean-Pierre Jeunet Hate Sinks | Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Hate Sinks | Pathé Hate Sinks | Universal Studios Hate Sinks | Warner Bros. Hate Sinks | WingNut Films Hate Sinks


Marvel Logo.svg Hate Sinks

High Evolutionary | Theel | William Rawlins | Arthur Walsh | Brooke | Daniel Whitehall | Donald Menken | Dr. Kafka | Diamondback | D'Spayre | Ellen Nadeer | Fight Promoter | General Dreykov | Gideon Malick | Glenn Talbot | Hammerhead | Harold Meachum | Ward Meachum | Justin Hammer | Laufey | O' Connor | Rapu | Raza | Supreme Intelligence | Venom | Red Hulk | Aida | Brad Davis | Ajax | Headmaster | Dr. Zander Rice | Vuk | Carlton Drake | Deacon Frost | Glenn Talbot | HulkKing | Kasius | Sadie Deever | Sonny Burch | Yellowjacket | Zeus | Mr. Paradox

Alistair Smythe | Anna Watson | Herbert Landon | Graydon Creed | Henry Gyrich | Ultimate Goblin | Ultron | Fabian Cortez | Principal Kelly | Duncan Matthews | Princess Zanda | Keemia Marko

Dr. Stillwell | Scorpion | Hammerhead | Simon Krieger | Glenn Talbot

Doctor Octopus: Amazing Spider-Man | Marvel Noir
Others: Jones | Judge DuPrey | Mickey Fane, Polly Hu and Eleventhree | Mister Brownstone | Burglar | Nicky Cavella | Nightshade (Ghost Rider) | George Reagan | Norman Osborn (Marvel, What If? Secret Invasion) | Ultron-1320 | Reed Richards (Marvel Zombies) | The Slavers | The Thousand | Henry Peter Gyrich | Fabian Cortez | Inspector Krahn | Venom (Raimiverse) | William Rawlins | Apex (Avengers Arena) | Agent Roger Dooley | Dum Dum Dugan | Red Skull (Secret Empire) | Colonel De Sade | Vincent Rosa | Heavy (The Punisher) | Magneto (Ultimate X-Men) | Ultimate Deadpool | Abomination (2008 Novelization) | Red Skull (Marvel, Secret Empire) | Mephisto (Marvel) | Childs | Carlton Drake | Contagion | Cristu Bulat | Eleventhree | Glenn Talbot (Marvel) | Jigsaw (MAX)

Old Man Logan:
Mysterio | Red Skull | Hulk

Marvel Fanfilm Universe:
Electro | Druig | Krakkan |Taserface | Prowler
Ultimate Marvel Movies:
Cashier | Superior Spider | Norman Osborn
Others: Green Goblin |Galactus | Agent Levine

See Also
DC Hate Sinks | Sony Pictures Hate Sinks | Disney Hate Sinks
