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ā€œ Oh please! I would've gotten famous since the start of the show. ā€ž
~ Vignette's foreshadowing her true plans.

Vignette Valencia (or Ghostface) is the main antagonist of a My Little Pony Equestria Girls fanfic, Canterlot Screams: Second Attack.", which is written by HourglassTheHybird on Wattpad.

She is a social media influencer who was one of the surviving students after the events of Canterlot Screams, however unlike the rest, she was unsatisfied and wanted to get revenge on the Human Six for ruining her chances of becoming popular, eventually orchestrating the murders of Celestia and Luna to allow Principal Cinch to rule Canterlot High to start the second spree. She is also Rarity and Fluttershy's archenemy.

What makes her a Hate Sink?[]

In General[]

  • Unlike the rest of the students who was traumatized by the events of Ghostface's serial killing, she didn't care about it.
  • Even before the events of both stories, she was egotistical and narcissistic queen bee who wanted everything in her own way.
  • Even when she did survive the attack, she was unsatisfied when she thought she didn't become popular like the Human Six. Instead of accepting the fact they saved her and everyone's else lives from Ghostface, she wanted revenge on them because of it. Not only this is straight up disrespectful of her, but also very petty.

Canterlot Screams[]

  • She was purposely the sole second reason of causing Wallflower Blush to kill everyone at the school, because she mocked her garden and knew she was being forgotten by everyone else at the school.
  • During the first week of incident after three student's deaths, she accuses Flash Sentry of being behind the murders, although she somewhat gave proof of him being angry at one student who happened to his ex-girlfriend. However, she still accused him of being responsible of the murders, which somewhat lead to Flash to ranting about everyone being ridiculous, even mocking Twilight after she tried to calm him down.
  • When the students started panicking and running after hearing Ghostface entered the building, she purposely pushed a student outside to get them killed and locking 5 students inside a room to also get them killed.

Second Attack[]

  • Even before revealing her true colors, she would rudely mock those she sees who are untalented and less popular than her.
  • While she did somewhat change her personality to "be better herself", this was only a facade to hide her true nature.
  • She would hire an infamous serial killer named Ace Swift to orchestrate the murders of Celestia and Luna so she can rule the school as her own, eventually allowing Principal Cinch to rule it instead, believing she will be exposed after the deaths, leading to the school being miserable.
  • After the first few murders, she framed the deaths to the Dazzlings, getting them arrested and nearly executed because of the false murders. However, it was eventually revealed that they were set free after they were proven to be innocent.
  • She manipulated and used Juniper Montage as a pawn to get her to kill as many students as possible at possible, to trick everyone into believing there were two Ghostfaces roaming around the school, however Juniper would drop the offer and escaped from being murdered by Ace, eventually Valencia became the new Ghostface to kill the students for herself.
    • This will eventually lead to several brutal deaths from both Ace and Valencia at the students, which lead to the Human Six to excavate the school to handle the killers.
  • Knowing that Ace will become famous for the murders and escape, she allowed the group to defeat Ace Swift, eventually leading to his death.
  • Afterwards, when everyone was happy that Ace was revealed to be the Ghostface and is now dead, Vignette tries to burn the school down and trap everyone inside to be killed alive and attempting to frame it on Sunset Shimmer.
  • When everyone excavated the school and all of them survived, while some of them were severely burned, she tried to trap the Human Six to get them killed instead. However, this would reveal her true colors to them, as she attempted to shove Fluttershy into the fire, before getting shot by Sunset Shimmer, killing her and ending the killing spree.
  • Unlike her original counterpart, who redeemed herself and became a better person, this version of her is more vile, egotistical, and murderous, being willing to kill everyone in the school all just because she failed to become popular as everyone else.


  • She is based off of Jill Roberts from the Scream franchise due to both feeling envy for fame and popularity.

External Link[]


            Hate Sinks

Generation Four
Friendship is Magic
Prince Blueblood | Suri Polomare | Wind Rider | Spoiled Rich | Svengallop | Professor Flintheart | Zesty Gourmand | Gladmane | The Expert Ponies | Sludge | Mean Six (Mean Fluttershy | Mean Applejack | Mean Rarity | Mean Rainbow Dash)

Equestria Girls
Principal Cinch | Filthy Rich

Pseudocorns | King Diomedes | Blonn Di and Shining Light

Mane Six
Twilight Sparkle: Luster's Last Lesson | Terror in Equestria
Pinkie Pie: Cupcakes | Starlight and The Cupcake Factory | Le Petite Four
Rainbow Dash: If I Can't Have My Dream, You Can't Either
Applejack: Apple Family Horror
Fluttershy: Starlight and The Cupcake Factory
Rarity: TBA

Starlight Glimmer: A Lyre's Song | The Friendship Test
Minuette: The Last Appointment | Just Another Rat | The Last Hearts and Hooves Day | Violent Night, Oh Bloody Night!
Cheerilee: Cheerilee's Garden | Justice is Served | Cheerilee's Garden: A Metallic Touch
Diamond Tiara: Carving Too Deep | Pony Psychology
Others: Princess Luna (Cheerilee's Garden/Scarlett Harvest)
Amdusias/The Thunder Demon/The Duke of Inferno (The Rose of Life) | Amethyst Star (Violent Night, Oh Bloody Night!) | Sherlock Hooves (Cheerilee's Garden) | Cherry Blossom (Rainbow Savior) | Gilda (Rainbow Savior) | Filthy Rich (An Apple Sleep Experiment) | Lyra Heartstrings (The Last Appointment) | Sauvignon Rouge | Mr. Shy (Silent Ponyville Chronicles) | Nightmare Moon (Shattered Moon) | Daybreaker (Shattered Moon) | Octavia's Parents (A Puppet To Her Fame) | Cozy Glow's Parents (Saving Cozy) | Pokey Pierce (Popped) - by Tapoff | Spoiled Rich (In Our House) - by Waxworks | Voron Scratch (Vampiolence) | Fu Ling (RainbowDoubleDash's Lunaverse) | Suri Polomare (The Curse of Slendermane) | Screwball/Topsy Turvy (Pony Psychology) | Dr. Jacqueline Dionna Reitman (The Conversion Bureau: The Other Side of the Spectrum) | Rarity's Former Boyfriend | Swift Strike (What You are Meant to Be/Picking Up the Pieces) | Prince Jewelius (Loved and Lost) | Dr. Caballeron (Daring to Change) | Plague (The Six Winged Serpent) | Ace Swift (Turnabout Storm) | Stygian (Into the Mirror World) | Unnamed Reporter (Twilight's Bureaucracy) | Sod (Twilight's Bureaucracy) | Nosey/Smiles (Fluttershy's Night Out) | Summer Camp Colts (Why Am I Crying?) | Green and Shady Daze (Why Am I Crying?) | Captain Ironhoof (What Hath Joined Together) | Anon (The Last Draconequus) | Prince Blueblood (A Knight To Remember) | Prince Blueblood (The Weedverse - by Kudzuhaiku) | Amadeus Blueblood/Prince Blueblood's Father (The Assassination of Twilight Sparkle) | The Slavers (The Assassination of Twilight Sparkle) | Lake Orchestra (Silent Crusaders)

Starlight and The Cupcake Factory
Pinkie Pie | Party Favor | Fluttershy | Limestone Pie

Fall of Starfleet, Rebirth of Friendship
Grand Ruler Celesto | Rhymey

The Liar
Night Mare | Trixie Lulamoon's Father | Orphanage Foals (Snowbank, Peach Blossom) | The Matron

The Flash Sentry Chronicles
Principal Cinch | Dark Mist | Shadow Corrupter's Parents | Haut Monde

Ask A Pony
Braeburn (Ask Crapplejack) | Vicegerent Zathir (from Ask Genie Twlilight) | Malakhar Manat (from Ask Genie Twlilight) | Cozy Glow (Ask Genie Twilight)

The Nuptialverse
Sunset Shimmer | Lightning Dust | Olive Branch | Discord | Sue/Pinkie Pie's Mother | Speedy Delivery/Scootaloo's Father | Prince Blueblood

Loona's Parents (My Little Loona) | Cozy Glow's Aunt & Uncle (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic With Reiner and Bertholdt) | Silver (My Little PokƩmon) | Spoiled Rich (Danganronpa: In Harmony's Wake) | The Dazzlings (Equestria Girls: A Fairly Odd Friendship) | Tad and Chad (Equestria Girls: A Fairly Odd Friendship) | Gary and Betty (Equestria Girls: A Fairly Odd Friendship) | Khanax (from Star Wars EQG) | Elise's parents/Don and Elise Sr. (The Wheel and the Butterfly Saga) | Elise's ex-boyfriend/Colby (The Wheel and the Butterfly Saga)

Second Attack
Vignette Valencia | Principal Cinch | Flash Sentry
