Hate Sink Wiki
Percy Wetmore Horrified

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This "Clefairy" sucks! I fucking hate it! I can't catch a single pokemon from this stupid game! I lost the shiny GYARADOS because of this stupid pokemon! I. HATE. YOU. DOLL!!!
~ Virgilax's villainous breakdown and hatred towards DOLL

Virgilax is the main villainous protagonist of a Pokémon Creepypasta, I HATE YOU DOLL!!!

He is a wrathful and egotistical livestreamer who only cares about winning and beating games, after getting a copy of Pokémon Crystal and noticing the "Clefairy" in his team and can't replace it due to his character's refusal, he grew a hatred towards it and eventually wanting to get rid of it if it means necessary.

What makes him a Hate Sink?[]

  • For starters, he was already an egotistical and delusional person who only cared about winning and getting awards from games, not caring of enjoying it and using his chances to get fame as said in his livestream.
    • Not only that, he doesn't care about making friends or being nice to NPCs as he states that "I'm better than those soft gamers.", showing himself as superior to others.
  • Upon seeing DOLL, he immediately started to hate it and tried to restart the game to remove DOLL, which didn't work and started insulting the character that he was playing as for being too attached to it.
  • After beating Jasmine's gym, he encountered the shiny GYARADOS, however when the game refuses and had with Shiny Gyarados fled, he starts having a breakdown and yelling at the DOLL for making him lose it and even banned some of his viewers all for trying to tell him to calm down.
    • This lead to him wanting to get rid of the "Clefairy" out of 'revenge' for making him lose the shiny.
  • After returning back to his livestream 3 days ago before the event, he was called out by his viewers for what happened and telling him that its not the pokemon's fault, however he didn't care and started yelling and banned them for calling him out, which is shown to be petty.
  • Upon fighting Lance, the champion, he was happy when the "Clefairy" was attacked by his CHARIZARD and on one HP, even though he would lose the game, he started rooting for it to die, which it did.
  • To make matters worse, he repeatedly replayed the game again to have DOLL killed multiples, as he stated, he did this 100 times of killing DOLL over and over again, while he was aware of its cries, he didn't care and kept having it killed before giving it up.
  • Afterwards, he decided to rename the file name of the game to "FUCK YOU DOLL!!!" and deleted it, which means he has permanently killed it and showed no remorse for it.
    • This leads to his death too as he was killed presumably by Kris, who wanted to avenge her DOLL. This doesn't make him sympathetic at all as he deserved it in the end and his last words were of him hating DOLL.


  • It's essentially a parody of "I love you, Doll" on Pokepasta.
    • However "I hate you Doll" has been deleted due to the owner of "I love you Doll" not liking the story and because it was mean-spirited.


            PokemonLogo Hate Sinks

Damian | Dario | Gengar's Former Trainer | Koji | Shamus | Mantle | Rose | Dee Dunstan | Dr. Zed | Rico | Grings Kodai | Ghetsis (Pokémon Generations) | Iron-Masked Marauder | Princess Allie


Ghetsis (Pokémon Adventures)

Main Games
Charon | Melli | Ardos

Spin-Off Games

Scrapped Folklore: The Woman's Friends

Others: Bianca (Scrapped Wishes) | Volo's Father | The AI (Pokemon Maroon) | Hans (Pokémon Revenge of the Island) | Colonel Hansen (Pokémon Odyssey) | Faba (Ultra Eclipse) | Ares (Arc of Juliana) | Seymour (Gumbino) | Misty (Pokémon: Journey Until The Very End) | Unnamed Female Trainer (The Most Evil Pokemon Trainer) | Typhlosion (Mistranslated Folklore)

Pokémon Hearted Souls:
Silver | Harrison

Pokemon Dominion:
Goh | Obstagoon | Daniel | Kayla | Georgia | Faba | Julia | Sharkpedo

Pokémon Forever Wishes:
Shaw | Burgundy | Georgia | Trip

Pokemon Zero:
Shamus | Serena's Father

Pokémon: A Marvelous Journey:
Hester Amoretto | Caiseal's Biological Parents/Fergus and Nollaig Brownstone

Pokémon Shattered Dimensions:
Mindy | Paul | Tobias

Blue | Virgilax

Starter Squad:
Gaven | Weepinbell | Chimchar

Pokémon Retold: Black:
Amber/Hil's Mother | Ghetsis

Pokémon Reset Bloodlines:
Damian | Joshua | Dario | Gary/Ash's Father | Rookie Crusher

Pokémon Jotho Fables:

Silver (My Little Pokémon) | Sara Diktaylis (Infinity Train: Seeker of Crocus)
