Hate Sink Wiki

Challenge failed!

Weepinbell is the main antagonist of episode 6 of the fan series Starter Squad.

What makes him a Hate Sink?[]

  • When Charmander and Squirtle seek him out for a poison curing berry, he displays just how much of an ego he has, calling himself superior to everything in the forest, even the trees.
  • He tells them that to get his poison curing berry, they need to complete his "Forest King Challenges". He also states that every challenge they fail requires them to complete two to make up for.
  • His challenges prove to be either vague on the rules, absolutely meaningless, or clearly meant to torture Charmander and Squirtle. In fact, it becomes clear that the challenges are rigged to where they can't be passed.
  • The first challenge "Find the best leaf", he fails Chamander and Squirtle after Squirtle makes two random guesses.
  • The second challenge "Forest Trivia" he counts Squirtle asking how many tries they have as one and fails them.
  • The final challenge he has them do is a repeat of the first one. Charmander, figuring out Weepinbell's game, chooses Weepinbell's arm as the best leaf which Weepinbell says is correct but fails him anyway on the excuse that he took too long to figure it out.
  • His antics cause Squirtle to snap and allow Charmander to actually do harm to him.
  • In the end, he reveals he never actually had a poison curing berry, meaning everything he made Squirtle and Charmander endure was completely pointless.


            Hate Sinks

Damian | Dario | Gengar's Former Trainer | Koji | Shamus | Mantle | Rose | Dee Dunstan | Dr. Zed | Rico | Grings Kodai | Ghetsis (Pokémon Generations) | Iron-Masked Marauder | Princess Allie


Ghetsis (Pokémon Adventures)

Main Games
Charon | Melli | Ardos

Spin-Off Games

Scrapped Folklore: The Woman's Friends

Others: Bianca (Scrapped Wishes) | Volo's Father | The AI (Pokemon Maroon) | Hans (Pokémon Revenge of the Island) | Colonel Hansen (Pokémon Odyssey) | Faba (Ultra Eclipse) | Ares (Arc of Juliana) | Seymour (Gumbino) | Misty (Pokémon: Journey Until The Very End) | Unnamed Female Trainer (The Most Evil Pokemon Trainer) | Typhlosion (Mistranslated Folklore)

Pokémon Hearted Souls:
Silver | Harrison

Pokemon Dominion:
Goh | Obstagoon | Daniel | Kayla | Georgia | Faba | Julia | Sharkpedo

Pokémon Forever Wishes:
Shaw | Burgundy | Georgia | Trip

Pokemon Zero:
Shamus | Serena's Father

Pokémon: A Marvelous Journey:
Hester Amoretto | Caiseal's Biological Parents/Fergus and Nollaig Brownstone

Pokémon Shattered Dimensions:
Mindy | Paul | Tobias

Blue | Virgilax

Starter Squad:
Gaven | Weepinbell | Chimchar

Pokémon Retold: Black:
Amber/Hil's Mother | Ghetsis

Pokémon Reset Bloodlines:
Damian | Joshua | Dario | Gary/Ash's Father | Rookie Crusher

Pokémon Jotho Fables:

Silver (My Little Pokémon) | Sara Diktaylis (Infinity Train: Seeker of Crocus)
