Hate Sink Wiki

William "Will" Harangue is a recurring antagonist in the Ben 10 franchise.

He is a loud-voiced television newscaster and the host of Harangue Nation and The Harrangue Show who first appeared in the Ben 10: Ultimate Alien episode "Fame". He hates Ben Tennyson to a passionate degree because of how risky the Omnitrix-wearing hero's actions were, yet Harangue is no stranger to hypocrisy himself.

He was voiced by John DiMaggio, who also voiced Ralph from We Bear Bears.

What makes him Hate Sink?[]

  • He made several reports of Ben being a threat to the world including showing clips of Ben destroying buildings and surroundings, when in actuality Ben was fighting against dangerous villains.
  • He also created public opinion that never gave Ben Tennyson anything positive about him, despite the latter saving Bellwood, the Earth, and the universe numerous time.
  • He hired Oliver Thompson to orchestrate a video game scam aimed at learning about Ben’s various alien forms. The goal was to create a giant robot to fight or even kill Ben on national television.
    • When Ben discovered the scam, he transformed into Nanomech—an alien that had never been scanned before due to its small size—and successfully destroyed the robot. Then, as Way Big, he delivered poetic justice to Will by “accidentally” dropping the wreckage of the robot onto Will’s car.
    • Despite the incident, Will managed to avoid arrest and used the footage of the battle to portray Ben as a threat.
  • He worked with Captain Nemesis to help the latter regain his fame and to deem Ben a threat.
    • Even though Ben saved the city from Captain Nemesis from having a meltdown, Will still remains ungrateful and still viewed Ben a threat.
  • When the Incurseans arrived on Earth for an alien invasion, Will attempted to publicly support them, especially after Ben was defeated and exiled. He also falsely claimed that the Plumbers were "traitors to their species." Unfortunately for Will, this strategy backfired, causing him to lose ratings and support from the public.
  • He allied with the Forever Knights in an effort to turn aliens into humans. However, the Forever Knights actually created a device to eliminate all aliens on Earth to regain his ratings.
    • When Ben knew about the real plan and tried to warn Will, the latter doesn’t believe it.
    • Harangue's plan to turn aliens into humans rather than eliminate them is still a despicable act, as it would be without the aliens' consent and forcibly changed into what they are not.
    • Ben managed to stop the device from killing aliens and instead use the device to permanently turn Will into an alien as a karmic payback, much to his absolute horror, which ironically got his ratings back.
  • He continued to antagonize Ben by working with the superhero team called Vengers.
    • When the Vengers turned against each other and declared themselves supervillains, Will tried to disassociate them to save his ratings, but also continued to antagonize Ben.
  • In the future, he has fallen from grace by being a cameraman to Jimmy Jones, who is the new Newscaster, a strong supporter, sidekick, loyal friend, and Number #1 fan of Ben Tennyson, which is satisfying as Jimmy had been posting things and had sent out a video about him and his alien forms on a website that showed the world that Ben is a hero, as Ben ended up being both praised and idolized by the public as a result. Ben, Gwen, and Kevin realized that Jimmy is pretty useful, so they let him do what he wants and Ben considered Jimmy a reliable source of information.
  • Overall, Will can be described as a toxic newscaster that gives young heroes like Ben a bad name, and his reasons for as antagonizing is selfish as to only care for his ratings and allies with Ben’s rogue gallery out of his own interest.


           Cartoon Network Logo Hate Sinks

TV Shows
The Powerpuff Girls
Dick Hardly | Princess Morbucks | Mike Brikowski | Femme Fatale | Stanley and Sandra Practice | Sakamoto | The Fluffy Bunch | Major Man

Courage the Cowardly Dog
Cruel Veterinarian | Mad Dog

Whatever Happened to... Robot Jones?
Lenny and Denny Yogman

Codename: Kids Next Door
Numbuh 363 | Chester | Nurse Claiborne

Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends
Terrence | Bendy | Angelica | Kip Snip | Dylan Lee

Teen Titans
Malchior | Val-Yor

Ben 10
Will Harangue | Morgg | Mr. & Mrs. Mann | Camille's Ex-Boyfriend


Protoboy | Donnie Turnbull | Dwight Turnbull

Adventure Time
Stag | Ash | Ricardo | Gnomes (The Enchiridion!) | King of Ooo | Toronto | Hana Abadeer | The Royal Advisors | Chicle

Sym-Bionic Titan
Baron | Galalunan Commander

Regular Show
Natalia | Bert Coleman | Unicorns | The Night Owl | Karen (Take The Cake) | The Sheriff (Gold Watch) | Country Club Leader (Country Club) | Klorgbane the Destroyer | Silver Dude | Susan

SWAT Kats: The Radical Squadron
Lieutenant Commander Steel | Burke and Murray

The Amazing World of Gumball
Harold Wilson | Felicity Parham

Steve Malek | Mrs. Siddiqui | Owen | Aaron Keendel | Dean Jackson | Si Rich | Hitesh Rhakara

Steven Universe
Marty | Kevin | Holly Blue Agate | Aquamarine

We Bare Bears
Ralph | Dave | Andy Bangs | Lewis | Courtney

Infinity Train
Grace Monroe's Parents

Atomic Betty
Penelope Lang | Petunia Lorelei Lang

Ed, Edd n Eddy's Big Picture Show
Eddy's Brother

We Bare Bears: The Movie
Agent Trout

Adult Swim
Moral Orel
Cecil Creepler | Dr. Secondopinionson

Final Space
Superior Stone | Werthrent

Night Feeder | Queen Ima

My Adventures with Superman
Parasite | Lex Luthor

Smiling Friends

Samurai Jack
Cacciatore | High Priestess | The Dominator

Steven Universe
Jowls (We Can Be Heroes!)

See Also:
Ninjago Hate Sinks | LEGO Hate Sinks | Rick and Morty Hate Sinks | Total Drama Hate Sinks
