Hate Sink Wiki

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William Rawlins is a major antagonist in The Punisher MAX, appearing in the volumes "Mother Russia", "Up is Down and Black is White", and "Man of Stone".

He is a greedy, sociopathic, traitorous and cowardly ex-CIA operative and by far the worst of Kathryn O'Brien's ex-husbands, described as "a true child of the company". He's also Nicky Cavella's secret lover and one of the most loathsome foes the Punisher had ever faced.

What Makes Him a Hate Sink?[]

  • A decade before the events of the series, he kicked his own wife (Kathryn O'Brien) out of his stricken helicopter and left her with the Taliban just to save an illegal payload of heroin, resulting in her being repeatedly raped. He even cruelly mocks her about the rape in the present day, calling her "the bukake queen of Kabul".
  • He uses a terrorist cell to hijack an airplane full of innocent people, attempting to crash it into Moscow as a distraction while stealing a virus sample. The plane gets shot down by missiles in order to protect the people below, thus killing everyone onboard.
  • He allies with General Zakharov in one last attempt to take down Frank and O'Brien, during which he even allows Zakharov to blackmail the former into surrender by threatening to bomb a mountain village with under 400 people.
  • After betraying and mortally wounding both Zakharov and his lieutenant Dolly, Rawlins threatens to find the latter's young son and rape him to death. He then leaves Zakharov and Dolly to die in the desert alone rather than finishing them off mercifully.
    • While the rape threat may have been just a sadistic taunt, it's honestly not entirely out-of-character for Rawlins to actually keep his promise, considering his overall heinous crimes and bisexuality (i.e. he married Kathryn O'Brien and was in a sexual relationship with Nicky Cavella for years).
  • He's a Boomerang Bigot, constantly using slurs against Arabs like "towelheads, sand n*ggers and camel jockeys" despite himself being half-Egyptian on his mother's side.
  • He's a total coward. Sure he talks a big game, but catch him off guard and he'll start begging for mercy like a dog, holding a knife behind his back to stealthily slit someone's throat in case groveling doesn't work. In his final moments, after Frank cuts off his hand, Rawlins pathetically begs to have O'Brien there to possibly vouch him, which wouldn't have worked anyway considering his past actions towards her.
  • Overall, he's easily one of the most disgusting sociopaths in the entire series. For the most part, he doesn't even have any faux-affable charm and is just a flat-out jerkass to everyone he meets in some way, whether it be his lovers or the generals commanding him. In his dying moments, Zakharov calls Rawlins a parasite who'd make the world bad forever, and he's clearly not wrong. When a military extremist who forced hundreds of men, women and children to walk (and even personally threw a baby) off a cliff hates your guts and is more sympathetic than you, you know you're a bastard.

External links[]



Hate Sinks

High Evolutionary | Theel | William Rawlins | Arthur Walsh | Brooke | Daniel Whitehall | Donald Menken | Dr. Kafka | Diamondback | D'Spayre | Ellen Nadeer | Fight Promoter | General Dreykov | Gideon Malick | Glenn Talbot | Hammerhead | Harold Meachum | Ward Meachum | Justin Hammer | Laufey | O' Connor | Rapu | Raza | Supreme Intelligence | Venom | Red Hulk | Aida | Brad Davis | Ajax | Headmaster | Dr. Zander Rice | Vuk | Carlton Drake | Deacon Frost | Glenn Talbot | HulkKing | Kasius | Sadie Deever | Sonny Burch | Yellowjacket | Zeus | Mr. Paradox

Alistair Smythe | Anna Watson | Herbert Landon | Graydon Creed | Henry Gyrich | Ultimate Goblin | Ultron | Fabian Cortez | Principal Kelly | Duncan Matthews | Princess Zanda | Keemia Marko

Dr. Stillwell | Scorpion | Hammerhead | Simon Krieger | Glenn Talbot

Doctor Octopus: Amazing Spider-Man | Marvel Noir
Others: Jones | Judge DuPrey | Mickey Fane, Polly Hu and Eleventhree | Mister Brownstone | Burglar | Nicky Cavella | Nightshade (Ghost Rider) | George Reagan | Norman Osborn (Marvel, What If? Secret Invasion) | Ultron-1320 | Reed Richards (Marvel Zombies) | The Slavers | The Thousand | Henry Peter Gyrich | Fabian Cortez | Inspector Krahn | Venom (Raimiverse) | William Rawlins | Apex (Avengers Arena) | Agent Roger Dooley | Dum Dum Dugan | Red Skull (Secret Empire) | Colonel De Sade | Vincent Rosa | Heavy (The Punisher) | Magneto (Ultimate X-Men) | Ultimate Deadpool | Abomination (2008 Novelization) | Red Skull (Marvel, Secret Empire) | Mephisto (Marvel) | Childs | Carlton Drake | Contagion | Cristu Bulat | Eleventhree | Glenn Talbot (Marvel) | Jigsaw (MAX)

Old Man Logan:
Mysterio | Red Skull | Hulk

Marvel Fanfilm Universe:
Electro | Druig | Krakkan |Taserface | Prowler
Ultimate Marvel Movies:
Cashier | Superior Spider | Norman Osborn
Others: Green Goblin |Galactus | Agent Levine

See Also
DC Hate Sinks | Sony Pictures Hate Sinks | Disney Hate Sinks
