Hate Sink Wiki

Xavion is the secondary antagonist of the Roblox YouTube action series The Bacon Hair by ObliviousHD. He is a high-ranking member of the Guest Republic as one of the President's Guest Agents. He is the rival and former bully of Primrose, envying her for being the President's daughter.

He was voiced by Lucas Webley.

What Makes Him a Hate Sink?[]

  • While he was a child soldier being manipulated into a genocidal conspiracy who has always been insecure and wanted the President's father-like approval, he is never played sympathetically and comes off as a xenophobic fanatic with no redeeming qualities.
  • He has always been a horrible bully to Primrose as he insulted her for drawing a picture of her Bacon friend.
  • Like other Guests, he is openly racist towards the Bacon Hairs and wants them all to die. This personality trait is most noticeable in him compared to the others who rarely speak.
  • Even as an adult, he still behaves like a bully and sadistically tries to kill Zayden in front of Primrose to spite her, asking if she is watching just to be sure.
  • His death and betrayal by the President is played with satisfaction as he planned to go behind his back and kill his daughter.

External Links[]


            Hate Sinks

Entry Point
Harvey Brooks | The Director | Wren | Falcon
The Mimic
Kintoru | Niko Masashige
Other Games

Bacon Colonel | Bacon General | Guest President | Xavion | Veronica | Guest 1337's Bullies | Jim

Employees | Eyes’ Parents | Jack Packton | Scientist | Bacon Hair | Strongest Battlegrounds Wall Abuser | Brenda | Roblox Emily | Hazel | Robert (Rise Of The Dead) | Cone Head But He Is Terrifying | Olivia (Databrawl) | MustacheSwagPGN

See also
ShanePlays Hate Sinks | GameToons Hate Sinks
