Hate Sink Wiki

Xor is a major antagonist during Juhani's questline in Knights of the Old Republic and a minor antagonist of the game overall.

What Makes Him Despeciable?[]

  • During the Mandalorian Wars, he attempted to commit genocide against the Cathars and did so for no other reason other than for the fun of it.
  • Xor sold female Cathars into slavery after killing the males and, during her questline, attempts to sell Juhani into slavery as well.
  • Among the male Cathars who was killed during Xor's genocidal rampage, both Juhani's parents were among the dead. Her father being killed by Xor while her mother was driven to death from her grief.
  • In addition to being a genocidal monster, Xor has also illustrated his lack of intelligence. This includes asking if Juhani is for sale... in the presence of a Jedi.
  • Despite knowing that Juhani is a Jedi and that she's traveling in the presence of a Jedi, Xor continues to display his stupidity by ambushing them at the spaceport with only two guards as backup.
  • When he's on deaths door, Xor attempts to goad Juhani into killing him. Depending on player choice, Juhani will either kill him or, with Revan's help, learn to control her emotions and let go of her anger (which is the canon path).


           StarTheForce Hate Sinks

Galactic Empire
Conan Antonio Motti | Orson Krennic | Lieutenant Nolan | Dr. Royce Hemlock | Vaneé | Kassius Konstantine | Captain Slavin

Confederacy of Independent Systems
Wat Tambor | Nute Gunray | Osi Sobeck | Keeper Agruss | Ziro the Hutt | Dr. Nuvo Vindi

The First Order
Brendol Hux

Ciddarin Scaleback | Pong Krell | Sebulba

Admiral Kendal Ozzel | Head Techno Union Scientist | Dezono Qua | Xor | Cronal | Kul Teska | Dr. Cornelius Evazan

Adam Taurus (Jaune Arc: Lord of Hunger) | Emperor Palpatine (Vader)
