Yoon Gwi-nam is a bully in Hyosan High School who constantly harassed and belittled his classmates for enjoyment. He is the main antagonist of All of Us Are Dead.
He was portrayed by Yoo In-soo.
What Makes him Hated?[]
- Yoon Gwi-nam alongside his classmates constantly picked on Lee Jin-su, Min Eun-ji, and Kim Cheol-su. This lead to the former two attempting suicide.
- When his and his gang were confronted about the bullying, they lied that they were "just joking around".
- In the first scene of the show, he was seen giving Lee Jin-su vicious beatdown that resulted in Jin-su becoming a zombie due to the intense stress he was put under.
- He sexually harassed Eun-ji and had forced Cheol-su to make a video of her with parts of her clothes stripped to emotionally abuse both of them unless the latter paid him.
- During the zombie apocalypse, Gwi-nam shows complete disregard of survivors of the first onslaught of the zombie apocalypse by using them as live baits to be killed off by the zombies.
- He had two classmates killed by kicking them out of their hiding spot. A girl for making noise (even after she stopped) and another boy for being too scared to grab the knife for him.
- When a woman tried to help Gwi-nam from a zombie, he had her killed by using her as a live bait.
- He had no problem pushing a student off library bookshelves while chasing Cheong-san.
- He murdered the principal, who while a horrible Hate Sink like him, he did this solely to spite Cheong-san.
- By the time he becomes a zombie hybrid, he is intrigued by his new powers and unecessarily murders several people, such as Na-yeon (who while was a horrible person, was actively wanting to redeem herself and wasn't a threat to him). He also repetitively tries to murder the other heroes multiple times. Even his less sympathetic victims such as Myeong-hwan and the previously Prinicipal, while someewhat satisfying, show how needlessly sadistic he is. There are also occasions where he torments the zombies, knowing they will not attack him, showing how much of an unnecessary jerk he is.
External Links[]
- Yoon Gwi-nam on the Villains Wiki
- Yoon Gwi-nam on the Pure Evil Wiki