Zanramon better known as Prime Leader is the major antagonist of the arcs Turtles in Space, Space Invaders, and Worlds Collide of the 2003 series Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
What makes him Hate Sink?[]
- Originally the Triceraton races were noble and honorable until Zanramon took over as their Prime Leader, which robbed them of their nobility and only cared about victory at any cost.
- Traximus, who is one the most noble Triceraton, argued against the Prime Leader several times, until the latter imprisoned the former to be the gladiator slave. This also made Traximus starting to lose hope and his will to live until he met those turtles allowing him to regain his will.
- The war between the Triceraton and the Federation lead to losing many lives, due to his ruthless and dishonorable nature.
- While he seems like a reasonable leader, who wants the Teleportal plan from the Fugitoid, who is Professor Honeycutt in a robot body, to win a war against the Federation, he is no better than that warmonger General Blanque, who wanted to conquer other planets.
- He threatened the Fugitoid by sending his mutant turtle friends in prison then a gladiatorial battle unless he builds the Teleportal.
- When those mutant turtles and the gladiators warrior begin the fight, Traximus rebelled and that made Zanramon ordered his soldiers to arrest them to be executed, but the turtles caused a ruckus by making Zanramon a hostage to them allow the gladiators slaves to escape.
- He ordered the Triceratons All-Stars gladiators to fight those turtles, but they failed and were sent to the dungeons until Traximus rescued them, which they pledged their loyalty to him.
- Zaramon proved to be a sore loser when the audiences started to cheer for those turtles after they proven to be excellent fighters.
- He can be extremely petty when the turtles stole his personal Space Cruiser as he scold his soldiers for it and nearly gotten killed for being shot despite being a hostage.
- He proven to be not so smart as he could have use those tech to scan for the Fugitoid for that Teleportal plan and tracking Honeycutt energy signature on Earth, after learning Earth was not advanced with their technology.
- He and his army invaded Earth to find the Fugitoid.
- He ordered his soldiers to kidnap many civilians.
- He used an anti-gravity device that took Beijing city up in the sky for months.
- After Donatello has been abducted by them, Zanramon ordered them to put him in mind probing torture device to get the information on the Fugitoid until Master Splinter helped his son with his mental connection.
- He also attempted to use the anti-gravity device to lift New York City up in the sky but was averted by those turtles.
- He wanted to kill those turtles after learning that the Fugitoid was not on earth and especially for stealing his Space Cruiser again before Honeycutt returned to Earth.
- When the Federation showed up on Earth to fight against the Triceratons, Zanramon shown to be despicable:
- He treated Mozar very harshly by deeming him a disgrace that caused the latter to have second thoughts.
- When the Federation became defenseless thanks to the Fugitoid’s virus that infected all the ships and fleet, Zanramon orders the Triceratons to kill them, but Mozar told them not to attack because there is no honor in fighting the defenseless enemy showing Zanramon’s dishonorable nature in contrast to Mozar.
- When some of the Triceratons ships became infected with the virus, Zanramon ordered Mozar to cut all contact with that squadron, which made the latter feel uncomfortable having to sacrifice his soldiers, showing Zanramon disregard for his kind.
- When the Triceratons became safe from Honeycutt’s virus, Zanramon began order to kill all the Federation.
- Traximus arrived with all the rebels, who Zanramon referred them as dishonorable soldiers before the order could have been made, showing the latter’s hypocrisy.
- After seeing how despicable and cowardly Zanramon is, all of the Triceraton soldiers choose not to fight those rebels. Mozar ordered all his soldiers to stand down and would gladly let Traximus overthrow Zanramon.
- After the war between the Federation and Triceratons end, both Blanque and Zanramon are to be locked in their cell for war crime, where they both fight against each other, and this is played with satisfaction.