Zorin Blitz is a major antagonist in the manga and OVA series Hellsing. She is an officer and one of the top officials of Millennium, and she serves as one of the commanders of the Letze Bataillon. She was sent to attack the Hellsing Manor and dispatch Seras Victoria, though her overconfidence caused her and her soldiers to be killed by Seras.
Zorin was voiced by YÅko SÅmi in the Japanese version and by Helena Taylor in OVA 4 and Rachel Robinson in OVA 5-7 in the English-dubbed version.
What Makes Her a Hate Sink?[]
- She has a one-sided obsession with Seras Victoria, to the point of taking particular pleasure in mentally tormenting her with visions of the deaths of her parents (including her mother's corpse getting violated by one of her murderers) before gruesomely mutilating her such as slicing off her arm, slashing her eyes and stabbing her in the back.
- Disobeys the Major's orders to not immediately invade the Hellsing Manor until his forces arrive out of arrogance.
- Bum-rushes her zeppelin into Seras's gunfire, even when her subordinates tell her to retreat, which results in it getting shot down and more than half of her men dying from the initial explosion (with an additional amount dying from Pip's landmines).
- Uses her illusion magic to mentally torment the Wild Geese members, rendering them helpless before brutally slaughering them.
- Brutally murders Pip Bernadotte by throwing her scythe at him just as when he was trying to flee with Seras.
- Mock's Pip's efforts to save Seras from her as being in vain by calling him an insect in front of a grieving Seras.
- This proved to be her downfall as Seraās drank Pipās blood thus granting her true vampire power and allowed Pipās soul to reside in her.
- When Zorin tried to use the illusion magic on Seras again, her magic was render useless due to having another soul inside Serasā thus Zorin is completely helpless.
- Also her taunting were so despicable that Seras refused to drink her blood.
- Her actions for an unauthorized mission lead the Major not bother to use the self-destruct switch to give her a quick death and instead let Seras give her a gruesome death.
- Her having her head grinded onto the wall by Seras is played for pure karmic satisfaction, considering that she used illusion magic to mentally torment the Wild Geese soldiers before gruesomely killing them.
- She was so horrible that nobody missed her after her death. When Schrƶdinger tells the Major that Zorin got killed, he just dismisses her death and remarks that he wasn't even surprised her reckless and foolish actions got her killed.
- Kouta Hirano considers her to be his least favorite characer because of her design being a huge pain to draw because of her tattoos, weak character and nonexistent appeal. Kouta's hatred of her is best expressed with her brutal death including having her tattoo-ridden face scraped against a wall.
External Links[]
- Zorin Blitz on the Hellsing Wiki.
- Zorin Blitz on the Pure Evil Wiki.
- Zorin Blitz on the Villains Wiki.